A Modular Experiment Collected and Written by Jon RacherbaumerÃThe Wild Card is the most miraculous packet trick of this century. It is exceptionally easy to understand and is forthrightly eye arresting. Whenever an effect creates wide spread excitement and stimulates tons of variations, it has the earmarks of becoming a popular classic.ÃThe Wild Card Kit is experimental and practical. Instead of explaining dozens of handlings and presentations, it supplies a preparatory course in what constitutes the Wild Card effect, what is fundamentally essential and important, and gives you the ways and means to create your own routines.Every effect, presentation, story, novel, play, or film has a beginning, middle, and end. This is structurally sound. The Wild Card effect should have the same structure. The Wild Card Kit takes this into account and provides vital materials. It's divided into three parts: Tools, Middle Gaming, and Main Events. Each consists of modular parts.Part One shows ways to display the cards at the beginning. There are three ways to perform the classic Glide, plus the Hamman and Veeser Counts.Part Two shows unique and visually convincing ways to change the cards ranging from the Scoop Switch to six ways to change three cards. Part Three features Taming The Wild Card, a powerful, non-sleight version that will delight dealers and magicians who donÃt practice sleight of hand. This was a sell out during Jon RacherbaumerÃs European Lecture Tour. Plus there are great versions by Marlo, Flip, Corvello, Paul Diamond, Robert Walker, and others. Also included is Milt Kort's Select Bibliography on the Wild Card. After you read the Wild Card Kit and begin experimenting, you will have everything you need to know about this century's seminal packet trick.The Wild Card Kit is 8 1/2x11Ã, hardbound, 88 pages, full color, film laminated cover and comes complete with a Bicycle Poker set of wild card, a $10.00 value.
Returns Policy
In the world of magic, the secret is told when the trick is sold. Accordingly, Magic Inc. has a strict no-refund policy. Thus, once you receive an item, you have access to the secrets included, and that is not something that we can get back from you. For this reason, we do not issue refunds and we do not exchange product that is in working order. However, if the merchandise should be defective, we will gladly replace it with a non-defective version of the same trick. No exceptions.
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