Books - Doves / Animals
Hugard's Magic Monthly - Book
These are 7 big books, each packed with several volumes worth of Hugard's Magic Monthly. Hugard's Magic Monthly was one of the greatest magazines on magic ever published because it was edited by one of magic's most knowledgeable men. Jean...
Beginner - Books
Beginner - Close-Up Books
Beginner - General Books
Beginner - Mentalism Books
Beginner - Stand-Up Books
Books - Beginner
Books - Biography
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Coin Magic
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Escapes
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Illusions
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Mentalism
Books - Puppets
Books - Stand Up Magic
Books - Theory
Doves / Animals
Lecture Notes
Magic for Children
These are 7 big books, each packed with several volumes worth of Hugard's Magic Monthly. Hugard's Magic Monthly was one of the...
Ireland's Yearbook Reader Series - Book
Each Year Ireland Magic Company published a Yearbook full of tricks and ideas. These comb-bound books compile all of the Ireland's Yearbooks: Vol. 1 from 1934-1950 Vol. 2 from 1950-1960 Vol. 3 from 1961-1980The ideas, stories and tricks in all the...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Coin Magic
Books - Comedy
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Ed Marlo
Books - Escapes
Books - General
Books - History
Books - Magic for Children
Doves / Animals
Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Cards
Magic Inc Books - Close-up
Magic Inc Books - Coins
Magic Inc Books - Comedy
Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
Magic Inc. Marlo Books
Sponge Balls
Trick - Holiday
Each Year Ireland Magic Company published a Yearbook full of tricks and ideas. These comb-bound books compile all of the Ireland's Yearbooks: Vol....
Cagey Doves by Tom Palmer - Book
You've seen the thrilling vanishes of cages of doves on TV—no better climax to a dove act. Now, for a fraction of their original cost, you can build your own beautiful cage effects for doves. Two fast and fascinating effects...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Stand Up Magic
Doves / Animals
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
You've seen the thrilling vanishes of cages of doves on TV—no better climax to a dove act. Now, for a fraction of...
Live Magic by W.O. Turner - Book
Livestock workers - this is the booklet you have been waiting for! Printed and published by Abbotts, the twenty-four illustrated pages detail the following: The Rabbit and Hat,The Rabbit DisappearsRabbit to Box of CandyThe Coming of a CavyThe Vanish of...
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Illusions
Books - Stand Up Magic
Doves / Animals
Livestock workers - this is the booklet you have been waiting for! Printed and published by Abbotts, the twenty-four illustrated pages detail...
Safety Magic for Children by K. Wagner & David Ginn - Book
KARL WAGNER, veteran of over 10,000 school shows across the USA, has written the first textbook on performing safety message magic. Not only does Karl offer you dozens of kid show routines that are both FUN and FUNNY, but he...
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Clowning
Books - Coin Magic
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - General
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Stand Up Magic
Books - Theory
Doves / Animals
Magic for Children
KARL WAGNER, veteran of over 10,000 school shows across the USA, has written the first textbook on performing safety message magic. Not...
Sleight of Hand Book by Edwin Sachs - Book
Sleight of Hand by Edwin Sachs just might be the number one best book ever written on magic. The standard textbook on how to become a magician. Sleight of hand feats and tricks with apparatus for amateur and profesional conjurers,...
Beginner - Books
Beginner - Close-Up Books
Beginner - General Books
Books - Animation
Books - Balloons
Books - Beginner
Books - Biography
Books - Cards
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Coin Magic
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Escapes
Books - General
Books - Magic for Children
Doves / Animals
Magic for Children
Sleight of Hand by Edwin Sachs just might be the number one best book ever written on magic. The standard textbook on...
The Bunny Book For Magicians by Frances Ireland Marshall - Book
Rabbits are a big part of the way the general public thinks of magicians. This book teaches you everything you need to know about using rabbits in your act. Lots of tips on care and maintenance, along with plenty of tricks and anecdotes....
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Magic for Children
Books - Stand Up Magic
Doves / Animals
Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Stand-Up
Magic Inc.
Rabbits are a big part of the way the general public thinks of magicians. This book teaches you everything you need to know about using...
Noah's Ark by Laurie Ireland - Book
Complete building plans, as used in the Ireland School Show. One of the best of all illusions for use in schools or where there are lots of kids in the audience. Effect: The magician introduces an attractive "boat" and everything...
Books - by Magic Inc.
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - General
Books - Illusions
Books - Magic for Children
Doves / Animals
Magic for Children
Magic Inc Books - Illusions
Magic Inc Books - Magic for Children
Magic Inc.
Complete building plans, as used in the Ireland School Show. One of the best of all illusions for use in schools or...
Encyclopedia of Dove Magic Series by Ian Adair - Book
The Encyclopedia of Dove Magic by Ian Adair has been considered the most important set of books ever written on the subject of Bird Magic. Each volume is packed with incredible information from how to handle, dye and take care...
Books - Doves / Animals
Doves / Animals
The Encyclopedia of Dove Magic by Ian Adair has been considered the most important set of books ever written on the subject...
Dollar Bill Animals in Origami by John Montroll - Book
John Montroll has consistently expanded the limits of the ancient art of Japanese paper folding. Now in this exciting new volume of more than 30 original models, the world-renowned origami master departs from the traditional square form and crafts each...
Books - Coin Magic
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Origami
Doves / Animals
John Montroll has consistently expanded the limits of the ancient art of Japanese paper folding. Now in this exciting new volume of...
Walsh Cane Routines by Francis B. Martineau - Book
Russ Walsh's Vanishing Cane to HandkerchiefProper care of CanesA Master Method of preperationProduction of two silks Cane to three silksFlash ProductionDitching a CaneVisible Sympathetic silksSilk to CaneCane and Hat Levitation Elusive RanbowObedient ColorsGlove Getaway and Much More!
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Clowning
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - General
Books - Illusions
Books - Stand Up Magic
Doves / Animals
Russ Walsh's Vanishing Cane to HandkerchiefProper care of CanesA Master Method of preperationProduction of two silks Cane to three silksFlash ProductionDitching a...
Dove Pan-Orama by Bruce Posgate - Book
In addition to most standard Dove Pan uses, it includes all kinds of new ideas-plausible and implausible - serious and comical - weird and wonderful. There are dozens of delightful Dove Pan deceptions, many for children's entertainment, some with patter...
Books - Close Up Magic
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Magic for Children
Doves / Animals
Magic for Children
In addition to most standard Dove Pan uses, it includes all kinds of new ideas-plausible and implausible - serious and comical -...
Encyclopedia of Dove Magic by Marian Chavez - Book
By Marian Chavez. A beautifully produced book about dove magic and all those extra things you need to know: care and feeding of doves, types of cages, presentation pointers, conditioning the audience, etc. Along with many fine dove effects such...
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Stand Up Magic
Doves / Animals
By Marian Chavez. A beautifully produced book about dove magic and all those extra things you need to know: care and feeding...
Flight Club by Dan Sperry - Book
Within the pages of this book, gothic master of shock illusion, handsome boyish good looks, and all-around swell guy, Dan Sperry, reveals all the details of how to travel with your birds for your show.Everything from local gigs to domestic...
Books - Doves / Animals
Doves / Animals
Within the pages of this book, gothic master of shock illusion, handsome boyish good looks, and all-around swell guy, Dan Sperry, reveals...
Oceans of Notions by Ian Adair- Book
Big hardcover book of eighty-eight pages with 121 illustrations, twenty-one photographs, and eighty-six great items from pocket tricks to children's effects. Contents: 2 Dedication2 Photo: Mr. Jeffery Atkins Sawing Through3 Author's Foreword4 Another Book? 8 Ribbon Chance: new version9 Streamlined...
Books - Cards
Books - Coin Magic
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - General
Books - Magic for Children
Doves / Animals
Magic for Children
Big hardcover book of eighty-eight pages with 121 illustrations, twenty-one photographs, and eighty-six great items from pocket tricks to children's effects. Contents:...
The Magic Dove Gimmick by Father Bandy - Book
How to construct and perform the Single and Twin Dove appearances.
A must for all dove workers!
Books - Doves / Animals
Books - Stand Up Magic
Doves / Animals
How to construct and perform the Single and Twin Dove appearances.
A must for all dove workers!