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Magic Inc
There is magic in all of us.
Miracle Dowsing Rods (2018) by Tenyo Magic - Trick
Or - imagine aiming it at packets of cards, and it will respond to the packet holding the selected card. Then separate all the cards in that packet, and it responds to ONE card - the selected card!
This intriguing magic trick revolves around the mysterious theme of dowsing rods. Using two L-shaped metal rods, you will be able to locate a hidden coin, and a selected card.
Dowsing is an ancient divination method that attempts to locate hidden ground water and buried metallic ore. Practitioners of dowsing hold two L-shaped metal rods in their hands, gripping the short ends. The rods remain parallel to each other as the dowser walks around. When the dowser reaches an area where metallic ore is located, the two rods respond by moving in a mysterious way. This trick imitates this uncanny phenomenon in a visual and fun demonstration.
(common mispellings: dousing)
Returns Policy
In the world of magic, the secret is told when the trick is sold. Accordingly, Magic Inc. has a strict no-refund policy. Thus, once you receive an item, you have access to the secrets included, and that is not something that we can get back from you. For this reason, we do not issue refunds and we do not exchange product that is in working order. However, if the merchandise should be defective, we will gladly replace it with a non-defective version of the same trick. No exceptions.
Shipping Info
Domestic Shipping
Merchandise to shipped to customers in the continental United States is shipped via United States Postal Service (USPS) or United Parcel Service Ground (UPS), whenever possible. Merchandise to customers in Alaska and Hawaii is shipped via USPS. Overnight shipping may be requested. You will be charged for the exact cost of the shipping and a small handling fee.
Our website gives you a shipping quote based on the cost of your purchase. We normally adjust the shipping charges to more accurately reflect the cost of shipping, as long as we can ship your purchase for an amount smaller than that quoted.
International Shipping
For shipping outside the United States, charges for international orders are based on the weight and size of your order and will be calculated at the time of shipping. You will be charged the actual postage, plus a small handling fee. Merchandise to international customers is shipped via United States Postal Services (via International Priority Mail).