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Magic Inc
There is magic in all of us.
Super Pi-riffic Set (Science of Magic Set) - Magic Set
Learn the secrets of science that amaze like magic. Master over 75 famous science experiments and learn the STEM principles that make them work.
Read minds with math, vanish and levitate items, bend light with refraction, create mystical optical illusions; put on a science based magic show and amaze your friends.
Beautiful, kid-friendly and engaging instruction book teaches the easy to learn tricks and provides insights into the science that creates the magic. Online videos enhance the experience and help you perfect your performance
Helps to develop improved self-confidence, public speaking skills, dexterity, hand-eye coordination and interpersonal communications
The Secrets of Science that Amaze Like Magic! This set covers all aspects of STEM:
- Discover the PHYSICS behind a sneaky secret lens that bends (refracts) light that causes The Statue of Liberty disappear!
- An Augmented Reality download allows you to read your friend’s mind! This X-Ray effect is a true TECHNOLOGICAL MARVEL.
- MAGIC is all about the SCIENCE of ENGINEERING. Seemingly ordinary objects can hold hidden secrets...
- Pi Challenge: Which is greater, the total height of three objects or the circumference? The MATHEMATICS behind “Pi” has the answer!
Returns Policy
In the world of magic, the secret is told when the trick is sold. Accordingly, Magic Inc. has a strict no-refund policy. Thus, once you receive an item, you have access to the secrets included, and that is not something that we can get back from you. For this reason, we do not issue refunds and we do not exchange product that is in working order. However, if the merchandise should be defective, we will gladly replace it with a non-defective version of the same trick. No exceptions.
Shipping Info
Domestic Shipping
Merchandise to shipped to customers in the continental United States is shipped via United States Postal Service (USPS) or United Parcel Service Ground (UPS), whenever possible. Merchandise to customers in Alaska and Hawaii is shipped via USPS. Overnight shipping may be requested. You will be charged for the exact cost of the shipping and a small handling fee.
Our website gives you a shipping quote based on the cost of your purchase. We normally adjust the shipping charges to more accurately reflect the cost of shipping, as long as we can ship your purchase for an amount smaller than that quoted.
International Shipping
For shipping outside the United States, charges for international orders are based on the weight and size of your order and will be calculated at the time of shipping. You will be charged the actual postage, plus a small handling fee. Merchandise to international customers is shipped via United States Postal Services (via International Priority Mail).